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Virtual Team Building and Management

Virtual teams are growing in popularity since many companies continue to grow and expand in different areas. But sometimes learning to manage a team that we can’t physically see every day can be difficult. When we learn how to manage our local teams, as well as our virtual teams, we can form a group that works together to increase productivity and provides a new perspective on any project.

One aspect of working on a virtual team is the ability to be self-motivated and self-disciplined enough to finish the job without someone by your side. When building your virtual team, choose employees that show self-motivation characteristics, such as making goals and having strategies for completing assignments.

Creating Team Diversity adds value to the team and company, each employee is different and has a different set of skills that they excel at. They are able to provide different ideas and opinions that can be shared with others and create a new, unique perspective. When we bring a diverse group of employees together, they are not only able to use their diverse skills to complement each other, but they can ensure their part of the project is done to the best of their abilities, making the overall assignment a great success.

Course Objectives

Setting clear goals is critical for facilitating learning. Research has shown that having clear goals makes learning more efficient and effective. Without well-defined goals, it is difficult to measure progress and determine whether learning is taking place.
At the end of this course, participants should be able to:

  • Know the keys to establishing a virtual team
  • Learn how to hold effective meetings and group sessions
  • Learn effective ways to communicate with team members
  • Use tools to build trust and confidence among employees
  • Know how to handle poor performing employees
  • Know how to manage a virtual team during any project

Who Should Attend:

  • Business People
  • Coaches
  • Educators
  • Government Agencies
  • HR Personnel
  • Law Firms
  • Managers/Supervisors
  • Hospital/Medical People
  • Organizers
  • Production/Warehouse Personnel
  • Sales People


Let us help you in Virtual Team
Building and Management